Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Crafts & Hobbies #63 Digital Scrapbooking, p.s.

Note to Myra: I guess the link will have to be cut and pasted.

Crafts & Hobbies #63 Digital Scrapbooking

I really enjoyed this activity. This is something I would like to learn to do. No real problems encountered...just had to take my time and figure it out. Scrapblog is pretty easy to use and the fact that it is free makes it a great find!

Here is hopefully a link that will work for the scrapbook page I created:


Crafts & Hobbies #64: Zines

1) Do I want to put together a Zine? - It was interesting to read about Zines. At this point, I do not have the desire to put one together, but, if I did, it would probably be on Carmelite spirituality. Since I am completely unqualified to start such a Zine, I will leave that to those who are knowledgeable on the topic.

2) What do I think about Zines in the library? - If a library has room and wants them, I don't see why it would be a problem to have Zines.