Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Publishing Evolution #83: Paper to Pixels (or e-ink)

1) I prefer paper to pixels in most cases. Getting the material in paper form is worth waiting for in terms of books I want to read; when it comes to things like newspapers, however, I’m just as happy reading it online. The reason I like paper better in books is simply because I like the feel of a book in my hand.

2) Yes, price definitely affects what books I buy. I do not buy many books since I use the library for most of my reading material. I do buy books on topics that we do not have in our system and that I want to keep (i.e., not get on interlibrary loan). I would probably not pay the same price for a digital book as a paper copy unless it were only available in digital format and I really wanted the book.

3) I think the idea of preview and then pay is great for those who are interested. It seems like a good way for a new author to get a following without going through a publisher.

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