Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 4: #9 Finding Feeds

With intensive research, I determined that Technorati wins hands-down over the other 3 finding tools. The intensive research involved searching for the word 'kayak' on the 4 finding feeds tools. Technorati produced the most entertaining posts, so it is therefore the best tool. I also did a search in Bloglines on 'kayak' and it produced the second most useful results. Syndic8 was next. Feedster brought up so much as to be a little silly and Topix wasn't really pertinent for what I was looking for (blogs by kayakers). But all of them were easy to use and I'm glad to know about them.

As a side note totally unrelated to this exercise: it takes me about 5 tries to get the font to change to Arial from Times when I try to post a blog. The only way I can get it to switch is to click on the Times font, then switch it to Arial quickly while the computer is distracted.

Not a big annoyance, just strange....

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