Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Web According to Google #88: Wave, Buzz, and Mobile

1) If Google Wave and Buzz catch on, I will probably participate in them at some level. It was very interesting to learn about, especially Google Wave.

The only thing similar to a collaboration tool I use currently is Facebook. It isn't as integrated as Google Wave and that was the main thing that impressed me.

2) I would probably mainly use the same applications with Google Mobile that I normally use when I am online: Google Search, Google Maps, and Google Earth. Those applications would be handy, for example, when I am in Houston and need the phone number for a store or a map to get somewhere. I could also use them when I am stuck in a traffic jam; more than once I've called my sister in Austin to ask her to check online to see how long the line of traffic reaches and if there is hope for it to be cleared soon.

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